Missional Communities meet throughout the greater Milwaukee area for the purpose of making fully formed disciples by equipping our people and engaging the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  
Acts 2:42-47; Matt. 28:19-20


Short answer: Yes! Following Jesus is a community project. (Heb. 10:25). It is impossible for a Christian to grow in isolation. Further, mission is done best in community. Jesus first sent out His twelve disciples two-by-two (Mk. 6:7). Then He commissioned the seventy to go out two-by-two (Lk. 10:1), Then the Spirit was poured out on the one-twenty at the birth of the Church (Acts 2:1-4). This is the normal strategy of Jesus for mission and the expanse of the Gospel. The reality is that Jesus promised to build His church (Matt. 16:18), not just an individual is isolation.


Most of our Missional Communities are regionally based, focusing on the bringing the Gospel to that specific area. If there is a group near your home or workplace, we encourage you to start there!
The purpose of our communities is to grow our people in the faith, equip them for faithful living, then send them out to reach the lost. Every Missional Community is different, but the goal of each one is the same; to come alongside one another as we live out the Great Commission.

Some groups focus on growing their members in the faith. Practically, this means bible studies, sermon discussion, or focused teaching of specific topics of the Christian life. The men who lead these groups are selected for their unique gift of teaching, equipping, and guiding Christians into a greater depth of knowledge and skill in the Christian life.

Other groups are evangelistically oriented. They seek to encourage one another and partner in practical ways to reach friends, families, neighbors, and co-workers with the Gospel. Through missional events, open evangelism, and bible studies, each group has its own culture, seeking to reach a different region of the greater Milwaukee area.

Both kinds of groups focus on making disciples, but with a different emphasis in the disciple-making process. Jesus commanded us to make disciples by going, baptizing, and teaching. The first aspect of the discipleship process is "going" and "baptizing." This is the evangelistic aspect. Many of our groups are oriented toward this piece. The second aspect of the discipleship process is to "teach them to observe all that Christ commanded," which requires learning the Word of God and applying it. These are great for those needing a foundation in the faith, or desire personal discipleship.